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Admission Criteria

Any student fulfilling the below criteria is eligible to enroll in the above courses.
    • Female Candidates – These courses are currently open for female trainees only.
    • Matric + Intermediate – minimum12 years of education
    • A minimum of 40% obtained marks from any of the recognized boards / 40% marks in the vocational ANM course, provided it is recognized by the INC (Indian Nursing Council) / 40% marks at least in the vocational stream-health Science recognized by the CBSE board
    • State Open School (recognized by the NIOS) candidates are eligible; however, preference will be given to Science.
    • English is compulsory as a prerequisite.

Rules & Regulations

Every student admitted to the Nursing course shall have to follow rules and regulations of the NSMS nursing Institute
    • The Institute shall have the right to cancel the admission or expel the student at any time if she is found guilty of suppression of information or supply of false information.
    • The students are responsible to pay all the fees due in time. The non payment of the same in time will result in cancellation of admission. Fees once paid is not refundable under any circumstances.
    • All decisions taken by the management are final and binding on the students. Management is free to change the rules and regulations at any time.
    • Students should maintain silence in the classes, library, reading room and in the corridors. Students should make every effort to take care of the college and hospital property and help in maintaining the same. They should not write on the black board, scribble on tables, chairs, walls etc.
    • Students are not allowed to come directly in the Principal’s office. They can come only with the permission of the class in charge.
    • If the students have any problem, they should inform the class representative and the class representative will intimate it to the class coordinators. If the problem is not solved at the class coordinator’s level, then the class coordinator will present it to the Principal. No students should by-pass the above mentioned channels. Exceptions are allowed only if the problem is utmost urgent/serious.
    • A student nurse is not allowed to receive gift of any sort at any time from the patients of the hospital or their relatives.
    • Regular and punctual attendance in all class activities like lectures, demonstrations, practical’s, clinical teaching, tutorials, tests etc is a must. Prior written permission from Principal through class coordinator is required for any absenteeism. Students have to participate in all college activities like clinical meetings, conferences, guest lectures, seminars ,sports, cultural activities etc.
    • No student shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination of the concerned subject if her attendance for theory class for the subject fall short of 80% of the total sessions.
    • No student shall be allowed to appear in the annual examination of the concerned subject if her clinical experience, attendance fall short of 100% of the total sessions.
    • Students should be present in the institute on the last and first working days before and after the vacations.
    • Use of cell phone by students is strictly prohibited in class rooms, hospital and community health postings.
    • Students will have to open their own bank account with net banking facilities for online transactions with WBUHS, WBNC for registration & examination fee payment.
    • In case of illness, permission shall have to be obtained from the principal to remain absent from studies.
    • Visitors are not allowed during clinical & class hours. In case of emergency, parent/local guardian may communicate with the institute authority.
    • Any student who damages the reputation of the college in any way is liable to be expelled. If any student discontinues the course, she shall clear all dues for the remaining duration of the course.
    • Students are required to maintain ethical and professional standards in behavior both inside and outside the college, hospital, hostel and community premises.
    • Each student is responsible for the proper handling and safe custody of any apparatus or equipment that she may be using in different nursing labs. Misuse or negligence will result in replacement of the particular apparatus or equipment by the candidate. Any willful damage done to the property of the college and hospital will be treated as breach of discipline.
    • All books are to be used with care in library. If a book while under issue to anyone be damaged or lost, the student in whose name the book is issued, will be held responsible for the cost of repair to the satisfaction of the library committee or replacement if the damage cannot be satisfactorily made good or if the book is lost. The term “book” also includes pamphlet, magazine, journal, etc.
    • Students are forbidden to communicate with any outside authority directly. All such communications must be submitted through the office of the Principal. Any student infringing this rule is liable to be suspended.
    • For any kind of misbehavior with staff or creating disturbances in classroom and in the college premises the concerned student will be expelled from the institute .
    • If any student is found to use of liquor or narcotics on hospital duty or in institute premises or is found indulging in any antisocial, antinational, criminal activities, she will be expelled from the institution.
    • Possession of weapons, explosive and other objectionable material in institute/hostel will result in being expelled from the institution.
    • Taking active part in politics will result in being expelled from the institution.
    • Coming on hospital duty or entering the institute premises in a un- presentable appearance will be liable to punishment.
    • Ragging is an offense. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus. Any student/students involved in such activities will be immediately expelled from the institution. Both junior and senior students are required to maintain cordial relationship with each other and a disciplined atmosphere in the institute.
    • Students are required to wear full uniform during college and hospital. Jewellery, ear rings, painted fingernails, threads and bracelets on hands etc. are not allowed. Students must wear white apron in college laboratories. Students must be neat and tidy in their dress.
    • Students are required to carry their identity cards during college hours, clinical and whenever they are going out and must be produced whenever it is asked by the concerned authority.
    • Student are required to co-operate in keeping campus neat, clean and green.